By Emily Schmid

Recently, I attended a concert entitled “Jazz Meets Chant.” The concert featured chant melodies arranged for a jazz ensemble. Jazz and chant have more in common than people may realize, especially how they structure their melodic patterns. I listened to common chant melodies reexamined through the musicians’ improvisations. Their musings revealed hidden understandings and concepts of each chant and while I relished the evening of good music, I also enjoyed seeing elements of my faith in a new way. This new vision of chant fostered a new appreciation for the foundation of my faith and allowed me to see God anew.

As I contemplated this experience in prayer, God revealed that the improvisational elements of jazz can apply to my prayer life. While a prayer routine is beneficial, being rigid can limit what God can do in my life. If I must pray the same prayers every day or check the same boxes to be a faithful Christian, without allowing any change, I miss opportunities of grace that allow me to participate more fully in the divine life. Docility and flexibility to the improvisations of the Holy Spirit open up my cooperation with God’s grace which ultimately leads me to greater happiness.

I invite you to take this time to consider where God is calling you out of your routine and into something new. In what spontaneous ways does God want to reveal himself to you? Instead of fighting the movement of the Holy Spirit, let God take us to where He wants us to be. While it may seem improvised, God is very intentional and with His guidance, we can explore new ways to live out our faith..