St. Francis of Assisi Adult Faith offers gathered events, online learning, and other opportunities to grow in faith, including prayer, faith sharing, retreats and discernment sessions, learning and study groups, small group community building, and opportunities to inquire about the Catholic faith or Become Catholic.
Study Groups
Tuesday Study
The Sorrowful Mysteries
Mysteries of the Rosary (The Sorrowful Mysteries) is a 7-episode series highlighting the Mysteries in the life of Christ as outlined in the decades of the Rosary. Mysteries of the Rosary integrates deeply reflective insights on the life of Christ, theological truths, and captivating stories together with breathtaking scenery, illuminating sacred art, and inspiring music. By filming on location in the Holy Land, our aspiration is to make the Rosary come alive in the hearts and minds of the viewer. Encounters with Christ in the episodes and discussions will help lead to even deeper encounters with Him in personal prayer and contemplation.
- Tuesdays: January 7 – February 25
- 9 – 11 am
- Serra Room
Wednesday Study
Joshua, Judges and Ruth
Discover Joshua, a faithful leader carrying out God’s commands followed by the deteriorating faith and failure of the Judges but concluding with the heart-warming story of grace and redemption in Ruth!
This 28-lesson study examines 3 important books of the Old Testament.
- The Book of Joshua is a historical account of how the Israelites conquered Canaan, the land God promised them in the covenant with Abraham. The book details Joshua’s obedience to God, the bloody yet miraculous battles and the division of the land among the 12 tribes.
- The Book of Judges records the Israelites’ descent into sin and the terrible consequences. The 12 heroes of the book seem larger than life but they were imperfect, just as we are, which makes this book just as relevant today. Judges is a stern reminder that God punishes sin but is always ready to forgive the repentant sinner back.
- The Book of Ruth while only 4 chapters in length is one of the most moving accounts in the Bible. A story of love and loyalty, you will be amazed by the many layers and depths of meaning packed into this little love story!
Join us for all 3 books of this study or come to only 1 or 2!
- Wednesdays, 9:45 – 11:45 am
- Serra Room
- Joshua meets September 11-December 18, 2024
- Judges meets January 8-April 9, 2025
- Ruth meets April 23-May 14, 2025
- Suggested donation:
- $50 for a combined study guide with all 3 books
- Joshua or Judges alone $25
- Ruth alone $15
Thursday Study
The Rescue Project
We live our lives according to the stories we believe.
What if there’s a better story than the one you’ve been living?
What if there’s explosive, extraordinary, life-changing news?
You were made for such goodness.
The content of The Rescue Project is the best news ever, presented in a powerful way. We invite you to open your heart to the story.
- Thursdays, Jan 9 – Feb 20
- Session 6:30-8:30 pm
- Serra Room
- Free will offering
- PLEASE NOTE! The Study includes a retreat which will be held on SATURDAY, February 15. The retreat begins with Mass at 7:15 am and concludes at 2:30 pm that day.
Registration for this has closed.
Young Adult Book Study – The Great Divorce by C.S. Lewis
Join us for a 5-week study on the The Great Divorce by C.S. Lewis. This work is a classic Christian allegorical tale about a bus ride from hell to heaven. An extraordinary meditation upon good and evil, grace and judgment, Lewis’s revolutionary idea in the The Great Divorce is that the gates of Hell are locked from the inside. Using his extraordinary descriptive powers, Lewis’ The Great Divorce will change the way we think about good and evil.
- Thursdays, January 23 – February 20, 2025
- 7-8:30 pm
- Youth Room
*Participants can purchase the book from their favorite bookseller.
Catholic Parenting with Little Ones
Baptizing our children Catholic is an important step in their relationship with God. But then what? How can we introduce our children to God, inculcate values, and incorporate family traditions that will guide our children on a life-long path of joy and meaning? With the help of some Montessori principles, join other St. Francis of Assisi parents in exploring how Catholic faith can inform the way we parent. Childcare available with registration.
- January 30, 5:30-7:00pm – Your Home Environment: preparing a space that nurtures
- March 10, 5:30-7:00pm – The Path of Love: moral formation for children 0-6
- April 5, 10-11:30am – Lent and Easter with little ones: they mystery of life and death
Details and registration here!
Small Group & Individual Studies
Join an existing group!
There is a men’s study group that meets Sunday evenings and is open to new members. To be connected with a group member for more information, please contact Heather in the Faith Formation Office, or 515-440-1030.
If you lead a small group that is open to new members, please let the Faith Formation office know and so we can connect you with interested parishioners.
Create your own small group or study on your own!
Adult Faith Formation has a variety of study materials available to checkout for individual and small group use.
- How – Come to the Faith Formation Office to check out available DVDs and leader’s materials.
- Where – You arrange for a location that works for you or your group – home, coffee shop, library, etc.
- Cost – No cost for use of DVDs or leader’s materials. However, you must order and purchase participant materials from the publisher.
Contact Heather Rohe in the Faith Formation Office at: 515-440-1030 or stop in to check availability.
View or print the list of studies (PDF)
Visit Past Events to view videos, and resources from past events.