By David Reising
Whether we make New Year’s resolutions or resolutions for each month as it comes, Mary gives us the advice upon which all of our resolutions should be founded if they are to have a meaningful and lasting effect on our lives: “Do whatever he tells you.” In heeding Mary’s advice and doing what Jesus asked of them, the servants at the wedding in Cana witnessed the water of their obedience transformed into the wine of God’s abundant generosity.
God loves using simple means to perform great miracles in our lives. But there is something implicit in Mary’s words that can easily be overlooked. In order to do whatever Jesus told them, the servants first had to listen to him. This may seem obvious, but it’s easy to make resolutions aimed at achieving what we think is good or even holy without first asking God if it aligns with His will for us. Surely the servants would never have imagined that God would use their simple efforts to gather and serve water to perform his first public miracle. Nor would the water have changed to wine if they had served it on their own without having been told to do so by our Lord. But because they listened to him and did as he asked of them, God blessed their efforts.
So whether we are making resolutions for this year, this month, or even this day, let us dedicate time every day to listen to our Lord in prayer.