By Deacon Dan Dombrosky
I recently learned that my daughter and son-in-law are expecting twins! Our family is looking forward to our new additions and everything that comes with them… times two! So many great things lie ahead, but you know that phase young children go through where every question or comment is answered with: “Why?” That’s going to be fun!
As adults we do the same thing with God all the time. Imagine how tired He is of our “whys.”
We ask, plead, complain, and get angry because we can’t do what we want. We turn to God and ask, “Why?” — as if He owes us an explanation.
But whether we’re dealing with kids or God is “dealing” with us — the answer is the same.
It’s not “Because I said so.” It’s because “I love you.”
We want the best for our children, for our spouses, for our friends, and for our family. So why wouldn’t we believe that God wants the best for us too?