By Fr. Alex Kramer
As we celebrate the Sunday of the Fifth week in Ordinary Time, in Rome, the Pope has called together all the armed forces, the police, and security operators to celebrate the Jubilee of Hope. This reminds us that the jubilee is not simply for those who darken the doors of the Church each morning at 6:00 am, but rather a call to bring the whole world back to Christ and his Church.
The jubilee year is about much more than going on pilgrimage to Rome to walk through the holy doors or a catchy motto such as “pilgrims of hope”. We are called to make this year special here in Iowa. Whether that means reading Pope Benedict’s Spe salvi to help us understand the theological virtue of hope or making the beautiful hymn for the jubilee year (available through the Vatican’s website) the soundtrack of your drive from your house to St. Francis for Mass.
Over the course of the year, Pope Francis is calling to Rome groups of people from all walks of life. We are all invited to join in the celebration and to be intentional about entering into this jubilee year. If your faith has become lukewarm, this is the year to turn up the temperature. Small things like making confession part of your monthly routine, or stopping by the adoration chapel to spend time with the Lord, and even praying together as a family are all ways you can participate in the jubilee year. For truly each one of us is that pilgrim of hope.