On Sunday, March 20, while preaching at the 9:30 mass of the Rite of Election, we had a technical hiccup and we lost our livestream sound for the final piece of the homily. I received a couple of texts and calls asking how they could get that last part of the homily. That was very unfortunate but upon some reflection on Monday, God laid it upon my heart that why should we settle for less when we can have it all? It is time to come back to the Father’s unconditional love. The over 600 people at Mass heard it all even without the microphone. Mass on the screen is good but it can NEVER take the place of the Eucharistic Banquet.
To our elderly and the homebound who are unable to be at Mass, we are happy to come to the comfort of your homes via technology and our wonderful Eucharistic Ministers. For, when we CANNOT GO TO GOD, GOD WILL COME TO US. But to us who have no limitations, God is inviting us to the rock of our salvation and the eternal living water which He offers at every Eucharistic Banquet. It is a sign of spiritual growth when we ask for more instead of comfortably settling for less. In the words of Jesus, “Blessed are the poor in Spirit for theirs is the Kingdom of God” (Matthew 5:3)
Poverty of Spirit is the hunger for the food that endures forever, thirsting for the Eternal Living Water springing from the Rock of our Salvation and craving for a satisfaction that flows from the Fountain of the Holy Spirit. It is good to attend mass because it is a Day of Obligation but it is ideal and a sign of spiritual growth when you attend mass because you have a personal relationship with God and are under no obligation. On the third Sunday of Lent, God wanted that “Great Change” by bringing all of us back to the pews to encounter the Father’s unconditional love. If the Samaritan woman could become a saint, (Saint Photina) then our God is able to write straight on crooked lines. And you can become a saint for our God sees beyond your darkest past, your brokenness, and your heart’s longing for the Divine and perfect spouse.
Fr. John Kwaku Brobbey
Associate Pastor