By Erica Schieffer

Did you know you were consecrated at your baptism? God’s grace made you holy.

What does it mean to “be holy?” Does it mean being good, doing the right things, and saying the right prayers?

Holiness means being set apart for a special purpose! You are unique because of your baptism. So, what is your special purpose?

At baptism, we are adopted into God’s family to have a special relationship with Him.

Kids, turn to your parents: How do you know they love you? How do they know you love them? Do you ever say, “I love you?” Do you hug or care for each other when you’re sick? We do and say things to show our love and relationship with our family.

But wait… We are also called to have a special relationship with Jesus. How do we do that?

How does God show us His love and the wonderful plans He has for our lives? And how do we let Him know that we love Him and want to be changed by Him?

Through PRAYER! Prayer is our relationship with God.

Here’s a challenge: for the next 30 days, be intentional about your relationship with God as a family. Schedule time to pray together and spend time with Jesus in adoration. It won’t be perfect—kids will be loud and distracting—but if you explain why you’re visiting Jesus and make the effort, you will quickly see the fruits of seeking God first!