By Emily Schmid
Advent often feels like a season of endless to-do lists—shopping, decorating, and getting ready for Christmas can leave little time for reflection. As the Director of Liturgy & Music at St. Francis, my December is packed with preparations for Christmas Masses, often involving late nights and plenty of Diet Coke! Amid all the to-dos, I frequently have to pause and remind myself of Who is truly at the center of everything I’m doing.
To avoid the burnout of all the hustle and bustle, Gaudete Sunday (the third Sunday of Advent) calls us to pause and rejoice. The pink candle on the Advent wreath is lit, reminding us that even in a season of waiting and preparation, joy is at the heart of our faith. True Christian joy resonates with the truth that God loves us and takes care of us. This joy doesn’t come from completed tasks or perfect plans, but from the promise of Christ’s coming, both at Christmas and in our daily lives. In the second reading today, Paul reminds the Philippians to live out this joy by rejoicing in the Lord always and praying with a thankful heart (Philippians 4:4-7). We can practice Paul’s advice not only during Advent but every day—if we take the time to pause and reflect on God’s goodness. Gaudete Sunday invites us to realign our focus on the joy of Christ which helps us find peace amid the chaos, and to rejoice in the hope that sustains us.
May we embrace this joy, letting it carry us through the rest of Advent and beyond with renewed hearts and grateful spirits.