

Loving Childcare at St. Francis of Assisi

We are proud to offer childcare services to allow parents/caregivers the opportunity to participate in many of the programs and events offered by our church. The Nursery is currently open during weekend Masses as well as other requested special events. Childcare for special events is arranged per event.

Our Nursery Ministry strives to create a safe, loving, Christ-filled environment for the children of the parish. St. Francis uses a combination of paid staff and volunteers to provide loving, competent care for young children. The Nursery is located in the north hall and can accommodate children from infant and up (age range and maximum occupancy depends on program).

For more information or to inquire about helping in the Nursery, please email our Nursery Coordinator or read our Nursery General Information and Policies.

Nursery Request for an Event Form

You can help!

Adult Childcare Workers

The Nursery accepts both paid and volunteer adult childcare providers. We offer flexible schedules and the ability to bring young children with you to your shift. Duties include taking care of children and general cleaning. Staff must be 18 years or older and complete relevant background checks. Please contact our Nursery Coordinator or the Parish Office at 515-223-4577 for more information.

Youth Volunteers

The Nursery program also encourages youth volunteers. Volunteers must be in 6th grade or older and complete a short Nursery orientation. Please contact our Nursery Coordinator or the Parish Office at 515-223-4577 for information about volunteering and orientations.