Students smile and give the thumbs up sign

At Vacation Bible School, children will spend each morning learning the daily Bible point by singing songs, exploring a Bible story, playing games, being imaginative, and learning about their Catholic faith – all while having fun!

Vacation Bible School 2025

Truenorth Logo (1)

Something grrrrrreat is coming!

Mark your calendar to trek to True North VBS with us June 16-20, 2025 where kids will learn to trust Jesus in a wild world!

At True North, kids discover that they can trust Jesus in a wild world! True North is filled with awesome Bible-learning experiences kids see, hear, and touch! Hands-on science experiments, team-building games, unforgettable Bible songs, and tasty treats are just a few of the standout activities that help faith flow into real life. (Since everything is hands-on, kids might get a little messy. Be sure to send them in play clothes and sturdy shoes.) Plus, we’ll help kids discover how to see evidence of God in everyday life.

VBS participants 4 years old to 5th grade hike out each morning at 9:00 am and return at 12:00 pm. The cost is $60 per student.* Spots are limited so register early. Tuition assistance is available and can be requested here prior to registering.

Register Today!

Adult & Youth Volunteers Needed for 2025 VBS

VBS is a fun and important part of our catechetical mission at St. Francis and we cannot offer this wonderful program without the help of volunteers. We are seeking adult and youth volunteers who would like to help children learn about Jesus in an exciting way. We ask all volunteers to commit to helping the entire week. Participant fees are waived for children of Adult volunteers who help all week. Please register as an adult volunteer prior to registering your children to receive your discount code.

Adult Lead Roles –
These leads work closely with the VBS Coordinator and are part of the core planning team. Time commitment would include time outside of the training session and VBS week.

  • Pre-School Coordinator: Oversee the preschool section of VBS (1-2 hours outside of VBS week)
  • Station Coordinator: Oversee VBS Station activities, ensuring station leaders are prepared, equipped and supported throughout the program (10-15 hours outside of VBS week)
  • Environment Lead: Oversees all aspects of decorating from planning and design to setup and tear down. (10-15 hours outside of VBS week)
  • Nursery Coordinator: Oversees the nursery during the week of VBS, ensuring a safe, nurturing, and faith-filled environment for the children of VBS volunteers (infants to toddlers) (1-2 hours outside of VBS week)
  • Crew Mentor: Oversees a group of crews providing support and mentorship to Crew leaders & co-leaders. (1-2 hours outside of VBS week)

Adult & Youth Volunteer Roles
These volunteers are needed the week of VBS and would be supported by the VBS Core Planning Team.

  • Crew Leader/Co-leader: Leading a group of children from station to station
  • Music Crew: Leading the participants in the songs, dances and assisting in the skits
  • Station Leader/helper: Plays a key role in creating an engaging, faith-filled experience for children by leading a designated station at VBS (will also assist with hospitality at opening and closing). Leader Manuals for each station are provided.
    • Crafts – Leading crew leaders and the children in how to create the daily craft
    • Games – Leading and supervising the children through the daily game
    • Bible Adventure – Bringing a Bible story to life each day through reenactment
    • Sticky Scripture – Teaching about the daily Scripture verse through a video and follow-up questions
    • Snacks – Preparing the snack for each day, supervising children during snack time and clean up after
  • Nursery Helper

Adult Volunteer Registration Form!

Youth Volunteer Registration Form!

If you have any questions, please reach out to Kasie Nitzel, VBS Director, at