St. Francis leadership is made up of the following committees and councils. Explore the links below to learn more about each organization. For more information on any committee, please contact our Parish Office or email
Leadership Council
Leadership Chair: Steve Craig
The Board addresses the educational needs of the entire parish community; adults, youth and children.
Building & Grounds Committee
Building & Grounds Committee Representative: Larry Richards
The St. Francis of Assisi Building Grounds group oversees operations and maintenance of the property and buildings.
Faith Formation Council
Faith Formation Representative: Sharon Marlow
The Faith Formation Council plans, promotes, and advocates for the lifelong formation in faith of all members of the Catholic community.
Finance Council
Finance Council Representative: Mike Brinker
The Finance Council, working with the Pastor, Staff, and Parish Council, establishes the parish budget and allocates funds for programs and operations.
Liturgy Committee
Liturgy Committee Representative: Emily Schmid
This committee initiates and coordinates the celebration of liturgy and the spiritual growth of parish members.
Pastoral Council
Pastoral Council Representative: Bill Pierson
The Council studies the life and mission of the church, explores the ideas and needs of the parishioners as to its conformity with the Gospel and recommends policies and programs with a vision for the future.
Safe & Secure Committee
The Safe & Secure Committee oversees & addresses all safety needs and concerns for the parish. For questions, please contact our Business Manager, Kylie Dittmer.
Evacuation Plans