Liturgy is the work of the people and a central act of the faith community. Through liturgy, the people have an opportunity to share their gifts at the service of the community to assist worship both in the congregation and in a specific liturgical role.
Liturgical ministers are people who are prepared and trained in a specific role of liturgical service. Sharing in a ministry or organization might be a way of giving your time and talent. There are opportunities for parishioners in fifth grade and older to serve in a liturgical role. For more information on liturgical ministries, contact Emily Schmid, Director of Liturgy & Music, at 515-223-4577, ext. 106.
Mass Coordinators
The goal of this ministry is to ensure appropriate coverage at each Mass. The Mass Coordinator sets up for the Mass, prepares the vessels, and coordinates the ushers, lectors, Eucharistic ministers and altar servers. This ministry also handles any special needs for each Mass and ensures communications to each involved with the Mass. By having the Mass Coordinator fill this role, the priest can focus his attention on the spiritual preparations for the Mass.
Extraordinary Minister of the Precious Body and Blood
As an extraordinary minister of the Precious Body and Blood, lay people serve the Church by distributing Holy Communion during Mass and possibly serving the homebound. The process to follow to become an Extraordinary Minister is practice your Catholic faith through a prayerful relationship with God, receive the sacraments regularly, attend a training session, sign up to serve at certain Masses throughout the year, and arrive at Mass early when you are serving as a Eucharistic minister so that you can prepare spiritually.
A lector proclaims the first and second readings of the Mass which assists the congregation in understanding the Gospel message. Becoming a lector is a serious decision and commitment to your faith and parish. All lectors must attend a training session where work books are provided for studying readings prior to Mass.
Altar Server
Altar servers assist the clergy in celebrating the Sacred Liturgy, especially the sacrifice of the Holy Mass. The various tasks of altar servers include leading liturgical processions, assisting with the Missal and the book of prayers, helping set the altar and attending to sacred vessels after communion. Altar servers also help with the candles, incense, and processional cross.
The ushers at St. Francis help guide the parishioners in the Mass. They seat the congregation, take up the collection, and see that everyone who wishes to receive communion is able to do so. During the Mass, they give information to visitors, greet the parishioners, take care of any problems that occur, and work to make the celebrant’s job easier. There are six ushers at each Mass (high school age and above). Husband and wife teams are welcome.
The greeters ensure that all are welcome as people enter the church. This helps to set the tone for the liturgy and worship service. The only requirement is the ability to be friendly to all who enter St. Francis of Assisi for worship. This is a great opportunity to see familiar faces and make new friends. Hospitality and welcoming are essential to our faith lives.