The Rosebud Program “Blessing Bouquet” is part of Elizabeth Ministry International. According to their website:
“The Rosebud Program “Blessing Bouquet” is a beautifully unique way to show respect for the dignity and worth of all life. This program helps a church identify, pray for, and support those who are pregnant, celebrating birth or adoption, grieving miscarriage, stillbirth, abortion, infant or child death, wanting to become pregnant or adopt. It can also offer support to grandparent concerns, and those facing troubled times.”

The small table located just outside the St. Clare room, holds a basket of silk rosebuds and a beautiful vase. All are invited to stop by and select a rosebud that coordinates in color with your specific prayer request. Those requesting prayers are welcome to fill out an information tag, although this is not required, and affix it to the rosebud of your choosing. Say a silent prayer for your special intention and place the rosebud in the vase. On the fourth weekend of each month, our Blessing Bouquet will be prominently placed in the Church; and as a community, we will pray for all the Rosebud intentions. The Blessing Bouquet will start fresh each month, so visit often and share your prayer requests. We will also offer a list of outside resources to support those in need of prayer.

Additional Opportunities

Additionally, St. Francis of Assisi is excited to announce an expansion of the Rosebud Program “Blessing Bouquet” to enhance the support offered to our parish family! Each color coordinating with a specific prayer request will have a specific weekend during the year in which those intentions are highlighted during Mass to build further awareness. Infancy and Child Loss will be the first expanded prayer request highlighted during Mass on the weekend of November 6/7. Masses this weekend will include the presentation of a white candle reading “Infant and Child Loss” to represent all the children lost to miscarriage, stillbirth, abortion, or death during the last year. Infancy and Child Loss will also be specifically included in the Prayer of the Faithful. Please join us this weekend in praying for the children we have lost and the families who mourn them.